213 nootka ops room 1961.jpg
This was NOOTKA's Operations Room. This information comes from HMCS Stadacona Operations Division Publication March 1961. The layout is much different than that found in HMCS HAIDA .Click on image to enlarge. (Provided by Pat Barnhouse) 
Some notes regarding NOOTKA's Operations Room.
AP       Action Plot
ASPO  Action Surface Plot Operator
GOP    General Operational Plot
HSWS  High Definition Warning Set (HDWS) radar)
LOP     Local Operational Plot
S/G      Surface Group  Plotter

*The LOGGER  logged all relevant voice commands.

* The GOP plot would be used to provide a general, wide area picture by the navigator.
   For instance, the navigator could use it to show a passage across the Atlantic with north America on one side and Europe on the other.

* Aircraft movements werte tracked on the AIR PLOT.

* Because the GOP is located on the chart table (which is the navigator’s domain), it is believed that one of the variants of the ARL table is one that can sit on a chart table.

* The numeric within the circles denotes the number of personnel doing that function.

* Around 1960, the RCN started to update the Mk VI Action Plot with the ARL (Admiralty Research Labs) NC2  plot table with the TPA option. The NC2 had a center projector for own ship  and two TPA’s (Target Plot Attachments) that could represent two other ships, a submarine, a helicopter, and enemy ship or hostile aircraft.  The TPA’s, like the center projector,  sent a beam of light up to the surface of the Action plot but also could be used for navigation such as leaving harbour on a foggy day (so-called “blind pilotage").

*  HMCS HAIDA was one of the first ships to receive the  NC2 plot upgrade. 

Contributors and Credits:

1) Pat Barnhouse

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